February 18, 2008

Not the Mission of the Church

One of the things the church should never do: complain.

One of the major sins the church is extremely guilty of: complaining.

Do we read the Bible? Philippians2:14 says "Do all things without complaining and disputing." Colossians 4:6 says "Let your speech be always with grace." And I Peter 2:1 tells us to put off "all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking."

Key words: "All," "Always," "All." The Bible doesn't give a list of things that we can't complain about, it says all things; it says always; it says all evil speaking. In the Greek? Just like the pastor always says: "All means all."

The mission of the church is constantly forgotten because we can't get past our own agendas. We complain about... gee... just about everything, and then wonder why the world is going to hell.

And if you think you can't stop complaining, remember you "can do all things through Christ" (Phil 4:13).

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