March 3, 2008

A Life of Sacrifice Part Two

So what does God want from the church? What does God need from the church? First of all, God doesn't need the church; He doesn't need our money. He doesn't even want our money. He wants our hearts.

He's like a potential husband, trying to win the hearts of humanity whom He loves. So, what does the church give to Him? Everything:
"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" Mt. 6:21
"A broken and a contrite heart" Ps. 51:17
"Turn to Me with all your heart... Rend your heart" Joel 2:12-13
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart" Prov. 3:5

In ancient Hebrew, the heart (leb, lebab) was not only the feelings, but also the will and the intellect--the center of anything.

What is the church investing her center in? Where is her treasure? In buildings? In cars? In money? The church is not fulfilling her mission if her heart is so attached to earthly treasures.

I'm not saying that missions should be the heart of the church; it should be in the heart of the church. The heart of the church should be God and God alone, but the reaching out to those in need is the heart of God.

So, what is your center invested in?

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